When interviewing women for the “Women in Permaculture” article for the “Permaculture Activist” magazine, many women told me they find it hard to promote their work. Many also stated that the predominantly white and middle class face of permaculture in many industrialized countries doesn’t truly represent the people working with permaculture. We all lamented the lack of connection with our sisters in other less industrialized parts of the world.
To counteract this, the SEEDS website will feature profiles of women working in permaculture (teachers, designers, organizers, producers, activists, etc) or with permaculture (ngos, subcontractors, community leaders, childcare providers at permaculture courses, activists, homesteaders, etc.) These profiles will make visible and re-value the wide array of vital contributions by women to the field of permaculture, create networking opportunities, and inspire all of us. We especially invite you to support women in less developed countries to participate. We need to hear your voices.
This profile isn’t your typical “bio.” Instead, we invite women to please state, in about 250 words, your particular contribution to permaculture… where do you “create value” for yourself, and/or your clients, and/or your community: people and the natural world? Please also send 3-5 pictures of you in action. Include contact info so that people can contact you.
You don’t have to be an internationally known permaculture superstar to do this. We want to profile well-known women!… but we also want to profile the quiet homesteader who is feeding her family from their permaculture applications, in order to revalue the many ways in which women live and work with permaculture.
In addition, women and men are also invited to pay homage to women in permaculture who influenced your work. Please share how she “created value” for you—through mentorship, being a role model, personal support, etc. Please check with the women before you send pictures—but we would love several pictures that show her at work.
Please use the contact form to send us a note stating your intention to submit a profile so we can get put you in our posting schedule. You can also use that form to opt-in to receive other updates from SEEDs about the cool things women are doing around the world with permaculture.
Many women I interviewed for the “Pattern Language for Women in Permaculture” article mentioned the long, dedicated career of Rosemary Morrow in permaculture, and wished she were better known globally. I contacted Rosemary and requested her to tell us about herself. Her profile is the first one posted on this site. I hope many more will follow.
My intuition tells me we’re on the cusp of building something big together.
With gratitude!
I love this! Making it a priority to tell you who changed our way of looking at our property & changing our lives! Thank you. Yolie Herman, Yolie’s Avos and Gifts, Fallbrook, CA
I intend to submit a profile! Loretta Buckner
Hi Karryn
It is my intention to submit a profile. Hopefully I will be able to deliver soon.