If you are interested in learning about the realities of working internationally in permaculture, agriculture, women’s development, schools, health care systems, youth, or other grassroots movements, please join us for this presentation and dialog on September 25 at 7pm in the First Neighborhood Common House at Ecovillage at Ithaca.
Our guest presenter will be Lesley Byrne, an international permaculture teacher and trainer, who has worked with subsistence farmers, widows and orphans in Jordan, Afghanistan, Kenya, and Cambodia.
- How do you get a foot in the door?
- How do you prove yourself professionally?
- How can you be culturally competent?
- How can you live simply abroad and thrive?
This evening is open to all. Lesley will highlight the realities for women working in the field.
A self-determined sliding scale admission of $5-$20 can be paid at the door.

Lesley Byrne in Afghanistan. While living alone in a tent for four months, the men she worked with were very respectful. They even adopted puppies for her—unheard of in a Muslim country. Upon departure, all were in tears. “As a woman I had an advantage over Western men because I was not viewed as a threat, which allowed them to let their guards down and for me to make much more headway training the farmers in permaculture.”
If you need directions to Ecovillage, you can use this address in your maps program:
100 Rachel Carson Way.
Please park along the road near the major construction. Please don’t park in residential parking areas.
Contact Karryn at karryn@seedsustainabilityconsulting.com if you need further directions or have questions.
Cosponsored by:
Ecovillage at Ithaca
Ithaca College
Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
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